Entertaining a Toddler
Ezra is finally getting to the age where he can be captivated by an activity, usually up to 30 mins max, but it’s a start.

“Two Under Two” is No Joke
I was warned about this. That “two under two” would be difficult and exhausting. That I’d essentially be taking care of two babies except one

Becoming a Mom in Saudi
Oct 14, 2018 – the day I became a mother. I woke up early with light contractions and started making pancakes for Sean bc it

Doctor or Rock Star?
We’ve been thankful to find good doctors here. The ones we have dealt with have all had some experience or training in the US, UK, or

Mom Community
Within the span of our arrival 2.5 years ago, approximately nine little boys, including my two, have been born into our circle of friends (we
Jamienne McKee
I’m an American in Saudi Arabia, here to give you a candid glimpse into expat life in the kingdom, offer travel tips for Saudi and beyond (especially with kids in tow), and share whatever else strikes my fancy.
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