Jeddah has over 3.4 million people and thousands of restaurants, but one thing was sorely missing for too long…bagels.
They couldn’t be found at restaurants, groceries, or bakeries. I attempted to make them myself once and they actually turned out pretty well, due to the Trader Joe’s Everything Bagel Seasoning I brought from America, but they were time consuming.
Then this past October this beauty opened its’ doors. The 1610 Bagel sign had been up for well over a year and every time we drove past I glanced with hopeful anticipation, only to be met each time with a dark, vacant building staring back, taunting me. Until, out of nowhere, one day we saw the lights twinkling invitingly, so we naturally slammed the brakes and threw our car in reverse (it’s normal here). We ended up being one of their first customers as they literally opened the doors for the first time 15 minutes before. 🎉
They fly the bagels in from New York and bake them onsite so they’re the real deal. They’re also a pretty penny and as much as I would like to have them every breakfast, they’re more of a special treat.
That’s what I love about expat life – some of the smallest conveniences, like finding a good bagel, become monumental events. 😆

Our Journey through the Land of Midian in Saudi
When I was a child, learning about Moses in Sunday school and watching VeggieTales and The Prince of Egypt, I thought of places like the