Saudi only has three holidays- their National Day, Eid al Fitr “Festival of Breaking the Fast” which takes place at the end of Ramadan each year, and Eid Al Adha “Festival of the Sacrifice” which commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael (in Islam it’s Ishmael, not Isaac). The days these holidays are celebrated shift each year because they’re based on the lunar calendar (except for National Day).
As Americans and Christians, we of course have many other holidays we want to observe. Public celebration of non-Muslim holidays is prohibited, but private celebrating doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Surprisingly, I prefer being in Saudi for the big holidays like Christmas and Easter because it makes the days more special and sacred. We’re not bombarded by commercialism, exhausted by the number of gatherings to attend, or sucked into going through the motions. Our gatherings are small, intentional, and focused on the purpose of the season. True, it’s no fun going into work on Christmas morning like it’s any other day, or searching five different groceries just to find a can of pumpkin for pumpkin pie, but there’s an excitement in trying to make the holidays familiar and memorable despite our circumstances.
Decorating has become one important way to make the holidays feel festive. The decorations have to be bought from elsewhere so it takes planning, but the effort is worth it. It may feel like the middle of July on December 25th in Jeddah, but when you step in our apartment the fresh balsam and cinnamon candles will be burning (thanks Bath & Body Works), lights will be twinkling on the tree, and hot cocoa will be simmering on the stove. 🎄✨
Similarly, we won’t have fireworks for the 4th today, but you bet I’m wearing my flag onesie and grilling hotdogs at a pool party with our American friends. 🇺🇸